LunchDirect Refund Policy
If you've changed your mind about a meal that has already been purchased,
you are able to cancel meals so long as that meal is more than two weeks out.
If a meal is still able to be cancelled, there will be an in the bottom right of the box.
Meals that are no longer able to be cancelled will have an
The amount of the cancelled meal will be credited to your account for future use.
To cancel a meal, return to the menu and click on the day you'd like to cancel.
A message will appear asking you to confirm that you would like to cancel that day - click OK.
The calendar day you've cancelled will change from blue back to yellow, indicating that cancellation was processed and your account credited.
If a student misses a meal as a result of an unplanned missed day of school, including sickness, no refund or credit is available.
In order for LunchDirect to issue credit for prepared meals that are missed as a result from a weather closure, the caterer must verify the situation and agree to the credit. If LunchDirect is advised of a closure, a credit will be applied to all purchases for the period of the closure.
In the event of a missed meal, reach out to your school immediately.
Our primary objective is the ensure that this never happens.
However, if it does, it is typically resolved at the school level with the caterer.
On any parent request for credit for missed meals, we will review the following:
the parent account to ensure the parent completed the section and payment for the days in question
- we sometimes find that the parent had not completed the checkout process.
the school to ensure they received the proper amount and temperature of meals that day
- in some cases, the school did not reprint their lunch distribution report for the latest information. Schools are responsible for ensuring each child receives a lunch, as well as reconciling with the caterer.
the caterer regarding the delivery that day versus the school order amount
- there are instances where the school did not validate the school counts with the delivery. The caterer is ultimately responsible to authorize any lunch credits.